Digital Hearing Aids

Universal Hearing Solutions are a coveted organization which is engaged in trading, supplying and retailing a wide assortment of "Digital Hearing Aids". The products offered by us are procured from a well-known brand.

  • Ideal for people suffering from severe to moderate hearing loss
  • Allows better understanding
  • Makes high-pitched sound audible


  • Speech in Wind: When wearing hearing aids, wind noise interferes with speech understanding and listening comfort. The Speech in Wind feature helps you to understand speech well, even when the wind is blowing
  • Auto Stereo Zoom: When noise reaches a level that makes understanding one person in a crowd difficult, auto Stereo Zoom is automatically activated, allowing you to focus on the voice you want to hear
  • Sound Recover: Makes high-pitched sounds, that are difficult to hear, audible again, e.g. birds singing, crickets chirping, children’s voices and the ring of a doorbell
  • Duo Phone: Allows better understanding on the phone as signal is heard in both ears
  • Auto Zoom Control: When you cannot easily face the speaker, e.g. in a car, auto Zoom Control can focus in on either side and backwards for effortless understanding


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